Episode #36: What You Resist, Persists! Emotional Acceptance For Manifestation
Ever wonder why some of the biggest things in life are the most difficult to manifest?
That’s because we’ve got so much shadow around them. We try to run away from our shame and the negative experiences in our past and toward the life we want.
However, the more you resist something, the more you create it!
Therefore: you are experiencing that same shame now as you try to build a life with more money, love, success, etc.
In this episode, we’re discussing this crazy human paradox plus I’m giving you tips on how to get on the other side of it!
In This Episode:
- Find out the REAL reason you want what you want
- Learn how your emotional pain is interfering with your manifestations
- Get my powerful process for SHIFTING this dynamic for good!
- Much more!
Listen Here:
What You Resist Persists | Episode #36 Transcript
Hello, gorgeous welcome back to another episode of the Self-Worth Project podcast.
It’s your girl Jenn, I’m a coach and healer and I’m so excited to be here with you today
with a normal sounding voice after two weeks of feeling not great and really coughing a
I am pretty much back to normal, so let’s celebrate.
If you’re new here, welcome.
Thank you so much for joining.
This podcast is all about elevating your life from the inside out through a process of
self healing.
Basically in my work as a manifestation coach, I discovered that the real way to manifesting
your dreams is by raising your self worth.
That has led me on a self healing journey, which I continue to this day and that is the
reason why I’m so passionate about this work and about sharing it with you.
Today we are going to talk about one of the biggest paradoxes that I have ever come
across in terms of growth and mindset, but I hope today’s episode will give you a new
perspective on the way you’ve been living your life and perhaps how you have been
avoiding certain things or creating certain dynamics in your life.
We all know how frustrating it is when you really want something.
Let that thing always seems just out of reach.
It seems like no matter how much you want it, how much you put your energy behind it,
you just can’t seem to get closer to your goal.
This is the part about manifesting that I really like to talk about.
Sometimes manifesting can be so easy, like you just think about something and it pops into
your reality right away.
But I really believe that many of us struggle with some of the bigger issues in life, which
typically in my experience include money and love because we have some unconscious stuff
going on, subconscious blocks, we have limiting beliefs and we have behavior patterns that
really end up turning us away from the very thing that we think that we want.
So I want you to really think about this process.
I’m about to describe here and think about that big area of your life that you have been
struggling with.
It’s a big manifestation that you can’t seem to come through or perhaps it’s just an ongoing
issue, an ongoing trigger that you’ve had in your life.
So what I’m going to tell you today is not the news that you want to hear, even though
I’ve spoken about this in different forms and before.
But basically what you resist persists.
So the more that we try to pull back from something and to not feel something, the more we end
up creating that thing in our life.
So when it comes to manifestation, we always change our life or make any goal in our life
really from one of two places.
We make a goal because we genuinely desire something and want something or we set a goal
because we are trying to run away from something else.
And I think that that is the real shadow part about manifestation that I’ve just started
to think about recently that I want to dive more into more in the future.
So when you set a goal, let’s say money, for example, you think it’s about the money, you
think you want the car or you want the house or you want just money in your bank account
or the designer bag or whatever it is.
But I’m willing to bet that when you think about money and when you think about what that represents
in your life, that image of who you want to be and what you want to have is trying to cover
up something else.
Like I’m going to guess a shame story because that’s usually what it comes down to.
So you’ve had some sort of shameful experience around money, perhaps around not having money,
perhaps around not having as much money as your friends did when you were at school or something
like that.
Of course, it’s very natural.
Like if you experience that lack when you are younger or even as an adult, to want to compensate
by creating more enemy, of course, money, peace for life, we all have to have money.
So this isn’t maybe the perfect example, but you see what I’m saying.
When we don’t acknowledge that part of the reason we’re desiring something is because
of our shame, we are more likely to continue to create the same shameful feelings as we try
to reach forward to our goal.
What you resist persists.
So basically when you have an emotion inside of you that you are trying to avoid, which
is what we all do, that’s just the natural way that humans deal with things.
If you feel something that’s really painful, your automatic inclination is to live.
Like just not think about it or to do something else to take your mind off of it or to pretend
that you’re all grown past it, right?
But that doesn’t go and solve the original issue.
That issue stays in there like a little tiny wound inside of you unless you do the work
and start to welcome it in, which sounds insane, I know, but welcome in that feeling and
that experience and really integrate that shadow piece of yourself.
So the ironic thing that happens here is the more that you run away from that, the more
that you have the shameful piece of you, again, let’s say around money, you feel shame around
money and you’re trying to manifest more money.
However, because you are resisting that original story, you are probably creating more of that
shame experience because every time you get in the ring with money, anytime you go to expand
your experience, anytime you go to get out of your comfort zone and to grow yourself
in this capacity, some part of you is still being reminded of that little shadow piece.
It’s because we’re not being honest with ourselves.
That’s one thing.
We can’t see where our true motivation is coming from.
That is something I am in fact very guilty of, which I’m trying to rectify in my life currently.
But it’s also about being able to embrace those negative emotions and those negative pieces
of ourselves, the shadow parts of ourselves that were created from that experience.
We take these moments in time, these little snapshots of painful moments in time and we create
meaning around them.
We create this story around them like I didn’t have money at this point in time and my friends
made fun of me because my shoes were really old or whatever the story is and you make this
story that I need to keep up in order to be loved.
I need to fit in in order to be loved.
I need to have a certain amount of money in order to be loved.
These are just a number of examples that could come from this one topic, right?
Everybody’s story around their shame is different.
Everybody’s reaction to that is different.
You are taking that with you unless you do the inner work you are taking that with you and
you are walking, trying to walk to the place where you think you’re going to be free from
it but you still have it with you.
And unbeknowing to you, you are probably creating that feeling all the time.
So I want you to just think about what that is right now for you.
Think about what your big goal is right now.
Think about the negative reasons like the reaction reasons.
Why you might be going after that goal?
Think about what that shame story was or what that emotional pain story was that created
this in the first place.
And now recognize what that feeling is.
Again, I think shame is a big one.
Shame is the really common feeling and it can come from so many different places but it’s
that feeling that there is something fundamentally wrong with you.
And how many times in this journey towards trying to create what you want have you felt
like that?
How many times have you unknowingly created that exact same shame feeling in this journey
toward manifesting what you want?
I’m going to guess a lot and again this is why I find this work so fascinating because
our blocks are ultimately created by us.
The things that are happening in our life, they’re not as chaotic as they feel and we are
not as powerless as we feel.
But we think that because every time I try to manifest money I start to feel shame like
you might not be thinking this consciously.
But if you have that loop in your mind, you might start avoiding talking about money, learning
about money, trying to make more money, etc.
And that’s because you are still running away.
You are still running away from that shame experience.
You think you’re running towards something, you think you’re growing it but there’s still
a little blind spot in there.
And again, ironically, you are still creating that same experience.
So now the question becomes like, how do I stop this?
How do I stop the madness?
And of course the answer comes from the title of the podcast episode today.
What you resist persists then we need to stop resisting.
I need you to really think about that moment, that pain, that shadow, the shame.
And I need you to sit with it for a moment.
You don’t have to go deep, you don’t have to let it swallow you up.
But I need you to sit there with it and feel that.
And acknowledge yourself like, yeah, as a human, that experience sucked.
This person making fun of me, that was horrible thing to experience, whatever circumstances
happened to you in your moment.
Just think about that.
And acknowledge that you had this pain and you still have this pain.
Ignolage, the shame that came from this.
And realize that this is just part of the human experience.
And this emotion is here and it is just as valid as all the happy emotions.
It doesn’t mean we’re going to try to go out there and feel it all the time.
But we need to be able to sit still with it and accept it and be like, yeah, okay, this
is what it feels like.
This is what shame around money, love, whatever, this is what it feels like.
And let yourself feel that, feel into that experience.
And you don’t have to do it for very long.
Like, as long as I’ve been talking right now, that’s probably good.
I want you to just sit with it for a moment because that is going to start to show your brain
that you don’t need to run from it.
That it is okay and safe for you to have this feeling.
In fact, you already had this feeling.
It has already come to you and you have already survived.
In fact, it has probably come to you over and over and over again.
And you have come out of it every single time.
So when we can take our armor off and stop trying to resist it and stop trying to run away
and just come into this feeling, this negative part of ourselves with a spit, more empathy
and understanding, that is going to allow us to feel those feelings potentially in our
current life and our current journey to get what we want.
And ironically, it’s us being open to feeling that way that lets us move through it.
Because when you’re resisting it, you just keep going there over and over and over and
over again.
You get into it and then you pull yourself out.
You get into it and you pull yourself out.
You get into it and you pull yourself out.
Whereas if you are no longer afraid of what you are feeling, you can go into it.
You can sit there with it and be like, yeah, this moment sucks.
I feel shame.
I feel pain.
I feel whatever it is.
And sit with it because you are human having a human emotional experience, which is perfectly
normal and natural.
And even this discomfort in this moment, nothing has gone wrong here.
We all go there sometimes.
But it’s your ability to sit there with it and let it go.
That is how you get to the other side, as opposed to creating this loop where you keep getting
stuck in it over and over again.
So that is it for what I wanted to speak about with you today.
But I really hope this little nugget has been enlightening and I truly implore you to do
the work and really think about applying this to your life.
What are you manifesting?
What are you avoiding?
What is the feeling you’ve been avoiding?
And just challenge yourself to sit with it.
It sounds so simple, but I promise you, being brave enough to face that darkness is going
to change your interactions to so many things.
It is going to change your energy and it’s going to change your magnetism.
So thank you so much for listening to this episode.
Today, my friend, I’m so happy that you joined me here and I will catch you back in the next one.
Want more? Check out Episode 35 You Can’t Delete A Thought or Episode #34 Say The Damn Thing here!