Episode #39: How To Stop Being Dramatic
Wondering how to stop being dramatic? Find out how your thoughts can CHANGE this toxic mindset to create more CALM
Wondering how to stop being dramatic? Find out how your thoughts can CHANGE this toxic mindset to create more CALM
Are you in anxious / avoidant relationship? Find out why Anxious and Avoidants are attracted to each other & how to deal >>
Death, loss & breakups: it happens to everyone. But you don’t have to suffer. Tune in to learn how to deal with grief >>
Struggling with anxious attachment? Here are ten steps to go from anxious to secure attachment & create healthy relationships >>
Feeling down? Struggling with negative feelings? Gain new perspective with these 50 journal prompts for depression >>
Being hot has nothing to do with your physical appearance! Hotness is a state of mind & today I’m sharing my best tips to get you there >>